hey guys! long time no blog, I've been really busy but also the internet at the place has been busted and everywhere else is riduculously priced, I dont have time to tell you everything I've been doing but ill post some photos and tell you about them! k?
then at night I ate at this really nice french bistro on the corner of rue de la roquette I had roast chicken with a creamed mushroom sauce a dressed salad and roast potatos it was yummy then I think I fell asleep really early because I had walked so far during the day.
inside the mueseum I joined a big group of american art school students for their tour I even got a green sticker off one of the american guys to show I was an official member of the tour group I got told about all the periods of art with plenty of great examples, I saw some amazing picassos and some of his cubist stuff which I didn't dig as much as his earlier stuff anyway so it was quite late by the time the tour was over (it was led by this well spoken eccentric english guy who was mental) I got back to the hostel on some busy metros and helped like some chinese dude get off at the right stop!
then today (6th March) I tried to hunt down a market or two, had a coffee in the cafe which amelie was filmed, bought some provisions in a supermarche and walked all the way from the bastille to my hostel (thats quite a long way) but it started to rain so this afternoon i've been relaxing in the hostel reading up on my next destination and napping about on the sofas its a really good relaxed place and everyone is really friendly, I would definitely stay here again when im next in paris! maybe you guys should all come down and we could have a ball!
tommorow im going to breakfast with the californians , meet my new room mates (i just went in and they were all asleep so i think they are more jetlagged americans haha) check out and stow my bags in a locker and then probably have quite a chilled day, maybe get a coffee by the canal , ride the metro around and then ill have to get to the airport and nap around until about 4am when I can check in for my flight to Berlin!
stay safe
Sam x
hey sam, ive been reading all your blogs it looks so nice! everynight i check if youve wrote any new ones..i want to go to paris!
Sam - Berlin hostel confirmed. Dad
Good to see that you have made the most of your visit. Ju and I actually walked over that bridge in Monets back garden although it was rubiish for playing Pooh stick on. Look forward to your thought on Berlin.
yeah i would have liked to have to the train down to monets house but I didn't really want to spend a whole day really far away from the hostel in case i got like lost or something
yeah berlin should be badass im looking forward to it!
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